CM Global Partners Sales Compensation Academy

Finally, there's a way to take control of sales compensation strategies.

If you’re looking to change your sales compensation plans but are hesitant to make a change, CompensationMaster may be the solution you’re looking for.

Our software program allows you to take control of your sales compensation strategies and create game-changing commission plans in your industry.

Our courses teach you how to use our software to enhance profits, increase shareholder value, and create win-win solutions for your sales reps.

No more struggling with complicated commission schemes - with CompensationMaster, your sales reps can focus on closing business.

Our online courses teach you how to use CompensationMaster to solve real-world sales force compensation design problems.

Don’t wait; take control of your sales compensation strategies with CompensationMaster!

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Create Game Changing Plans

Eliminate Run-A-Way Plans

Create Fiscally Responsible Plans

What's Inside the Academy

CompensationMaster is a software tool that solves real-world sales force compensation design problems, providing Real-Time financial $$ outcomes.

Our online courses can help you solve issues related to:

1. No more waiting

CompensationMaster provides Real-Time financial outcomes so you can see how your plans are working and make adjustments as needed.

2. No more run-a-way plans

With CompensationMaster, you can always know the final financial outcome for your sales reps and company - no more wondering if your plans will work or not.

3. Instant $$ outcome results

Compensation is an essential part of sales rep recruiting and retention, it's crucial to have solutions that provide reliable and accurate results quickly. With CompensationMaster, you get real-time feedback, so you know exactly how much your sales reps will earn and how much your company makes overall.


On Demand Training

CompensationMaster is the easiest way to design a commission plan that works. Our goal is to help you eliminate mistakes in sales commission programs so you and your sales reps can focus on results.

Private Coaching

Need help reviewing your data and sales commission plans? We've got you covered. Our expert coaches are the "best of the best" and are here to help. They'll review your data and guide you through the process of creating commission plans that are not just game-changing but super competitive and profitable.

More Power

If you are looking for an ongoing support system to help you achieve your business goals, look no further than our software. You have lots of time to create a strategic roadmap taking advantage of the many game-changing commission plan possibilities.


“Welcome! My name is David Cocks the creator of CompensationMaster software and training. This program was designed specifically for individuals like yourself.”

David J Cocks

If your expertise lies in assisting organizations with a dedicated sales team, you have the opportunity to enhance their financial performance. By integrating the profit and loss (P&L) statements with the structure of sales incentives, you can create a direct impact on their profitability.

Consider adopting a strategy centered around the contribution margin method. This methodology simplifies the complex decision-making process regarding salesforce remuneration. It ensures competitiveness, fosters a harmonious relationship between the company and its sales personnel, and promotes unity among all operational management teams, all while safeguarding the company’s profit margins.

Why we created CompensationMaster

We wanted companies to have the ability to create a merit-based sales compensation system that would fairly reward productivity from top to bottom and bring integrity back into the process.

TRANSPARENCY: Our goal is to help you create a transparent Compensation strategy that will fairly reward productivity…through choice.

TRUST: We want you to treat the sales force with trust, respect, and fairness.

PROFIT: Our ultimate goal is for everyone in your company - shareholders included - to be motivated and productive so that everyone can achieve financial success together.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading about the philosophy, technology solutions, online training courses, and how we've seen other companies successfully implement their new sales commission plans."

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Yes! Let Me Watch The Free Video: Steps to convert plans to a % of operating margin

Client: Testimonials

We value your privacy and want you to be confident in our ability to protect it. That's why all of our engagements include an NDA, preventing us from disclosing any information that would personally identify you. Check out a few testimonials below to get a better idea of what we're all about!

Excellent Training - Invaluable Consulting

Happy Client

I want to thank you and your team for assisting us with the significant changes we are facing. CompensationMaster is an important component in the process of restructuring our Company and getting us back on the road to profitability. Culturally, there is a far better understanding of the services we provide, their cost, and the impact on the commission plans we offer. The tool has empowered the managers and ensured better decision-making in recruiting and in designing commission plans. In fact, one of our managers has used the tool in evaluating and acquiring a competitor. That's empowerment! Thanks again for the excellent training and invaluable consulting. These, combined with your software, will not only assure your success but that of many others.

Understand Sales Compensation

Happy Client

"The people at CompensationMaster understand the math, and they understand sales compensation. There is no one else to our knowledge with their level of expertise and understanding. This is what they do, and they are the best."

Options and Value

Happy Client

We're living in a world where we want to offer our associates options: where they like to work, and how they like to get paid. We constantly strive to push value down to our associates. CompensationMaster's system allows us to recruit and retain the best associates. It allows us to have a true partnership with our associates that's fair."

Strategic Planning

Happy Client

CompensationMaster is not just how we calculate our commission splits; it is an integral component of our strategic planning. Equipping our managers to use CompensationMaster enables us to communicate our value platform, recruiting and retaining more agents."

Balanced and Fair

Happy Client

CompensationMaster has enabled us to have the assurance that our compensation models are extremely competitive within the local market. We are confident that our commission plans are balanced and fair."

No Guesswork

Happy Client

There's no guesswork anymore. It's almost impossible to do a plan and see how it will affect the bottom line on your own, but Compensation Master's software lets you know ahead of time what the impact of changes will be."

Flexible Approach

Happy Client

With CompensationMaster, when you have companies that offer a little different wrinkle, you can adjust your plan to provide the wrinkle and still be profitable."

Consistent and Fair

Happy Client

"We chose CompensationMaster to help us re-design our compensation plans because we had gone through a series of mergers and acquisitions that had grown the company from 10 offices with 350 salespeople to 65 offices with over 3500 associates. With each merger, we inherited another batch of compensation plans. We wanted new plans that were fair and consistent, where everyone would be treated equally. We also wanted them to be competitive, to help us recruit and retain all the best people in our market."

Easier Acquisition Process

Happy Client

CompensationMaster's software makes the acquisition process much easier. It lets me analyze a company's situation and find out if I can live with their plan. If we had not had the experience with CompensationMaster, we probably would not have bought some of the companies we bought and would not have been able to retain the agents as we did."

Valuable Planning Tool

Happy Client

I want you to know that in my 40-plus year career, CompensationMaster is by far the most valuable planning tool I have used."